Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

When In Segment Tool

Use the When in Segment tool to log campaign Events based on filters set up to capture responses, for example a recipient entering a defined segment by purchasing a particular product.

The tool only applies to recipients already in the campaign audience. When an audience member meets the When in Segment criteria, an event is raised once for that audience member. Once added, the audience member is not be added to the When in Segment event again unless they meet the specified criteria for a different when in segment.

When in Segment is often used in conjunction with the Import CSV Events tool to ensure all relevant campaign events are captured.


  1. Drag the tool to the Workspace on the Events tab.
  2. Create a filter by dragging items from the Data Explorer or by selecting from the Create new drop-down to engineer a filter. Note that Campaign Variables cannot be used within this tool.
  3. You can enter a fixed Event date, or select a database column to provide the event date, as shown in the example below. The Event date is used to differentiate between multiple occurrences of the same event for a recipient.

What to do next

Keep in mind that you can combine tools. For example, you can include a Check Event in a When in Segment to achieve a sophisticated level of filtering.

This tool uses Polling to control how often the specified segment is checked. Polling is configured on the Polling tab which is displayed above the ribbon bar.

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